Mission and Vision
The research vision at Howard University College of Pharmacy is to develop research in the pharmaceutical sciences and the clinical sciences with an emphasis on innovation that advances minority health research and helps reduce or eliminate health disparities. The present research in the pharmaceutical sciences includes nanotechnology with an emphasis on novel formulations for the treatment of cancer; the development of pharmacokinetic models that are more relevant to minorities; medicinal chemistry focusing on the development of novel compounds for sub-optimally treated diseases; computational chemistry assisted by artificial intelligence; the development of novel, natural sunscreens which are potentially safer to use; and educational research on the use of virtual reality to teach laboratory courses.
Research in clinical and administrative pharmacy involves a variety of research topics and methods. Faculty, post-graduate trainees, and students are all involved in research. Topics include outcomes of medications used in patients with renal impairment and drug dosing in acute kidney injury patients receiving continuous renal replacement therapy; medication use evaluation, herbal and alternative medicine, medication safety, and international studies; economic evaluation of health care programs, sickle cell disease, and obesity; assessment of educational outcomes in pharmacy education; optimizing antimicrobial therapy in the presence of comorbidities and special patient populations; local and global pharmacy education research related to the advancement of pharmacy education degree programs and cross-cultural pharmacy education; topics related to HIV, hepatitis C, and health services research; and implementation and evaluation of clinical pharmacy services in the community pharmacy setting and impact of the role of pharmacists and pharmacy students in emergency response and preparedness.
These initiatives align with the strategic plan for the University Strategic priority #2 https://www2.howard.edu/howard-forward/inspire-new-knowledge