Your support directly benefits the education and training of the next generation of pharmacists. By giving, you help students access the resources, technology, and educational opportunities necessary to excel in their studies and prepare for successful careers.
Support the College
Give to Howard University College of Pharmacy
Investing in Howard University College of Pharmacy is now more convenient and impactful than ever before.
Ways to Give
Give Online Today
Supporting the College of Pharmacy online is both secure and hassle-free. To make your online donation, simply visit our dedicated and secure giving page. If you can't find the exact direction or fund you wish to contribute to, you can select the "other" option and specify your preference in the provided field.
Give by Mail
The Division of Development and Alumni Relations welcomes cash donations, although we strongly advise against sending cash via postal service or courier. To make a cash donation, we invite you to visit us at our office located at 2225 Georgia Avenue, NW, Suite 626, Washington, DC during our regular business hours (Monday - Friday, 9:00am to 5:00pm)
When making a donation by check, regardless of the intended designation of your gift, please make the check payable to "Howard University". If you have a specific purpose in mind for your contribution, such as the Wall of Excellence Building Fund, Deans Circle, or support for a designated scholarship program for Howard students, please indicate your preference in the memo line of your check or include a note with your contribution. Your clear instructions ensure that your gift is allocated as you desire.
Please mail your check to:
For U.S. Mail
Howard University
P.O. Box 417853
Boston, M.A. 02241-7853
For overnight delivery mail only (services that cannon be delivered to a PO Box address):
Bank of America Lockbox Services
Howard University Operating Account 417853
2 Morrissey Blvd.
Dorchester, MA 02125
To make a memorial or honorary gift by cash or check, begin by following the instructions above. Then, attach a note that includes the name of the person you or memorializing or honoring and the family contact name and address (for memorials) or the individual's name and address (for honorary gifts). We will notify the family/individual of your contribution.
Make a Matching Gift
Does your employer (or your spouse's employer) have a matching gift program? If so, you can ask your company to match your support for Howard. You can double or even triple the value of your donation simply by notifying your employer of your gift. Howard maintains a database of many matching gift companies.
Reasons to Give

Empowering Future Pharmacists

Many students face financial barriers to pursuing pharmacy education. Your donation can be used to create scholarships and financial aid programs, enabling deserving students to pursue their dreams of becoming pharmacists, and promoting diversity within the field.

Research & Innovation
Your contribution can support research initiatives that lead to advancements in drug development, healthcare practices, and patient outcomes, ultimately improving healthcare on a broader scale.

Enhanced Facilities & Resources
Donations can be used to upgrade and maintain state-of-the-art facilities, labs, technology. These improvements create a more conducive learning environment and help students gain hands-on experience with the latest equipment and methodologies.

Community Impact
Your support can be used to fund these programs, allowing students and faculty to provide essential healthcare services and education to underserved communities, contributing to better public health outcomes.