Free Pocket Guide for Safe Opioid Prescribing

poket guide

The authoring, design, and publication of this pocket guide was a sole-source contract to the HUCOP Office of CPE and commissioned by DC Health and the Mayor of the District of Columbia as a grant from the CDC.  These pocket guides are intended for physicians and authorized prescribers in the District of Columbia. Aside from pharmacist staff in DC Health and the HUCOP Office of CPE, HUCOP Alumni Drs. Jasmine Carpenter and Raniya Al-Matari, as well as DC Physician with expertise in Opioid Addiction and Medication, Assisted Therapy (MAT), Dr. Edwin Chapman were responsible for the research and content. Graphic Design and layout courtesy of AllWrappedUp, Cheryl Jackson CEO. 

DC Health presents a Pocket Guide for Safe Opioid Prescribing

Click Here to Order Free Copies of the Pocket Guide

This guide provides a number of resources to providers, including:
• recommendations from the CDC Guideline for Prescribing Opioids for Chronic Pain
• Morphine Milligram Equivalent (MME) conversion chart
• checklist for prescribing opioids for chronic pain
• list of Opioid Treatment Programs (OTPs) located in the District
• list of Substance Use Disorder (SUD) and Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) related patient service resources 
• list of opioid prescribing and MAT-related provider/clinician resources 
• overview of MAT and various medications used 

Click Here to Access a Digital Version of the Pocket Guide
