Course Evaluations

The course evaluations have benefits for both students and instructors.  They serve to provide students an opportunity to share feedback on the effectiveness of the course and the instructors who teach in a course, resulting in improvement of the quality of the curriculum for future students. Course evaluations provide instructors with feedback regarding student’s perception of their teaching methodologies and styles, resulting in innovations and improvement in pedagogy. Asking students to reflect on course content, design, pedagogy, and instructor effectiveness provides useful insights to the curriculum and assessment committees to enhance student learning.  Course evaluations also provide leadership such as Department Chairs with information regarding student-reported effectiveness for faculty members. 


Procedures for student evaluation of the course and instructor effectiveness 

Course evaluations are disseminated approximately one week before the commencement of final examinations.  The course evaluations for each course are made available to students through the Blackboard portal and a link is also sent to students to access the survey through their emails.  Faculty members are able to access a detailed report summarizing the results of the course evaluations within two weeks of completion.   


Course Evaluations

The course evaluations are administered by the Office of Institutional Research and Assessment in collaboration with the College of Pharmacy. It contains Likert scale questions to elicit student’s perceptions regarding the quality, effectiveness and relevance of the course.  In addition, students are asked to rate each listed instructor regarding their effectiveness, accessibility, and responsiveness.  Students are also allowed to provide free text feedback on the course and individual instructors.   


Course Evaluation Summary Report 

The summary reports allow course coordinators to review the feedback from students regarding the course and the instructors.  The summary report provides course coordinators with information regarding how their course is rated when compared to others within the Howard University College of Pharmacy and Howard University at large.  

APPE Course Evalutions

IPPE Course Evalutions

HUCOP Course Evalutions

NTDP Course Evaluations